Dr. Marchiando is one of the finest trumpeters of his generation. He is an experienced soloist, chamber, and orchestral performer who brings a great deal of experience and enthusiasm to his teaching. He is also one of finest personalities I have ever worked with.
David Hickman
Regents Professor (retired), Arizona State University
Mar 1, 6:00p
New Mexico Philharmonic
Copland - El Salon Mexico
Copland - Billy the Kid
Popejoy Hall
Albuquerque, NM
Mar 8, 10:00a
KHFM 10 at 10 Series
Dr. Marchiando and pianist Dr. Natasha Stojanovska will perform and chat about music from the "Soundscapes of Her" concert presentation of music by women composers. Joined by Brent Stevens, John and Natasha will present beautiful music for trumpet and piano to be broadcast over the radio airwaves of 95.5 FM!
KHFM Broadcast, 95.5 FM
Albuquerque, NM
Apr 12, 6:00p
Apr 25-26, 2025
UNM Trumpet Weekend
Join the faculty and students of the UNM Trumpet Studio, along with special guest Mary Elizabeth Bowden for a weekend of concerts and masterclasses!
Keller Hall
Albuquerque, NM

Soundscapes of Her to be performed on LIVE broadcast on New Mexico Classical Public Radio, KHFM 95.5.
Dr. Marchiando and pianist Dr. Natasha Stojanovska will give a repeat performance of the Soundscapes of Her program of music for trumpet and piano by women composers on the KHFM live concert broadcast series "10 at 10." Joined by host Tanya Cole, John and Natasha will perform and chat about music by Reena Esmail, Gina Gille, Carolina Cavalche and Catherine McMichael live, on air!
Tune in at 10a on March 8 for this unique and informative concert series! Don't have a radio, you can listen online at www.khfm.org.

The first five video releases from Summit Brass digital concert recordings from RMBI 2024 are out!
The Summit Brass has released four video recordings from the RMBI 2024! Notezart by Cindy McTee, Resolute Fanfare by Gail Robertson, King of Cups by Lindsay Bronnenkant, Amazing Grace by Jennifer Higdon, and Grand Fanfare by Giancarlo Castro D'Addona are now viewable in the Video Projects section here on JM.com!
Stay tunes to Dr. Marchiando's website for more updates as the release dates become imminent!