Dr. Marchiando is one of the finest trumpeters of his generation. He is an experienced soloist, chamber, and orchestral performer who brings a great deal of experience and enthusiasm to his teaching. He is also one of finest personalities I have ever worked with.
David Hickman
Regents Professor (retired), Arizona State University
Sep 27 & 29, 2024
Tromba Mundi
Concerts in Mechanicsburg
Bethany Village Community, 9/27
Messiah College, 9/29
Mechanicsburg, PA
Oct 12, 6:00p
New Mexico Philharmonic
Rachmaninoff - Piano Cto, No. 3
Bruckner - Symphony No. 4
Popejoy Hall
Albuquerque, NM
Nov 8, 8:00p
Faculty Recital
Soundscapes of Her: Music of Women Composers for Trumpet
Reena Esmail - Jhula Jhule
Cecilia McDowall - Framed
Carolina Cavalche - Kava
Gina Gillie - Song for the Lost
Catherine McMichael - Totem Voices
Keller Hall, UNM
Albuquerque, NM
Find out more>>
Nov 16, 6:00p
New Mexico Philharmonic
New Mexico Philharmonic announces 2024/2025 Classics season!
The New Mexico Philharmonic has announced its 2024/2025 Classics season in Popejoy Hall. The season begins with a bang with pianist Olga Kern performing Rachmaninoff's Concerto No. 3 and the NMP tackling Bruckner's Symphony No. 4! A concert production of Puccini's famous Tosca, music of Mozart in Amadeus in Concert, Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5, Copland's Billy the Kid and El Salón Mexico, and Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6 'Pathetique" fill in the season. The season finale will feature Mahler's majestic Symphony No. 3, with Dr. Marchiando performing the famous Posthorn solo!
The NM Phil will also perform the second installment of the Harry Potter movie series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, as well as the beloved The Princess Bride!
The annual performances of both Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker and Handel's Messiah return with the NM Ballet Company and Coro Lux, respectively.
For more information and to buy tickets, visit the NM Philharmonic website!
Summit Brass to release straight to digital concert recordings from RMBI 2024!
The Summit Brass turned on the recording microphones for this year's concert at the Rafael Méndez Brass Institute and will be releasing the recordings via online digital format beginning in December 2024. The recordings will be released as singles of each work and will include music by Jennifer Higdon, Cindy McTee, Gail Robertson, Gina Gillie, Jasmine Pigott, Lindsay Bronnenkant and Taras Islas.
Watch Dr. Marchiando's website for more updates as the release dates become imminent!